We Have Lift Off

Spoiler Free Reaction to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Image credit: Marvel Studios

First Thoughts

Right off there is a feeling a familiarity. The entire first episode runs like another Marvel film. Every element that we have come to expect from Marvel Studios is on display: high quality action, CGI, deep emotional problems and witty humor.

Marvel is going for a slow burn with this show. The setting is right after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Much like they did with WandaVision, they’re giving these characters the courtesy of exploring their extensive backgrounds. The fact that we are learning about Sam and Bucky in a television format rather than a film means that they can take their time with the story. With a television format we can learn about their history and emotional trauma. Hopefully we see both become great heroes out of the shadow of Captain America.

Image credit: Marvel Studios

What’s Next?

Clearly this episode is meant to set up where are leading men are. We’ve been fed a couple scattered plot points of the threat they may face. Yet it is unclear how this new threat will shape the new world they live in. I haven’t scoured the web looking for what comics drew inspiration for this show so I’m truly looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

So often as fans we tend to dig too deep into the source material. I intend to watch this long form film play out in it’s own way. Both Sam and Bucky are beloved foils to Captain America. Both our powerhouses in their own right. My hope is that this show elevates them into the leading heroes of the next Marvel cinematic phase.

Image credit: Marvel Studios

Watch or Not?

Absolutely 100% watch.

If you’ve watched everything Marvel has created over the past ten years then this is just another masterpiece waiting to join the collection.

If you are not a hard core Marvel fan that’s okay. This introduction alone tells us the story will be captivating. If you enjoy action and complex characters then you’ll love it. Even if you have no idea what “The Blip” is or what an Avenger is, there is enough information available that you can gloss over those pieces.

Give it a try! At least you’ll know what everyone else is talking about.

2 thoughts on “We Have Lift Off”

  1. Love it! Don’t you think this is one of those shows that is blurring the line between tv and movie even more in this age of streaming?

    1. I would 100% agree with you! So often these shows feel like one long film. It gives the creators time to tell the story they want to without the urgency to pack in all into 2 hours. I will gladly take a well told mini-series over a compact film these days.

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