For Fruits Basket, A Look Towards the Final Season

Image credit: TMS Entertainment

We are one week out from the final season of Fruits Basket. I am both ecstatic and sad at the same time. For those of you unfamiliar with the popular anime, it follows the story of Tohru Honda and the Soma* clan. Tohru is an ordinary girl with a big heart who is still dealing with the grief of losing her mother. The Somas each hide pain in their hearts as they struggle to figure out their path. As the series progresses you learn about the complex history of Tohru, her friends and the Somas. Oh and by the way the Somas also happen to be possessed by zodiac spirits.

Normally a slice of life genre anime would not be my first choice. I think I only started watching it because of the lure of the zodiac animals. From the very first episode I was completely captured by the story. Each character is unique and compelling. They’re fully fleshed out with rich backstories that the story takes the time to explore. The cast of characters is quite large so when you think how every important backstory is seamlessly woven in it’s impressive.

WARNING: Spoilers Ahead for Season 2

Image credit: TMS Entertainment

Recap So Far

What are the big key points we need to remember going in to the final season? We’ve seen all the characters grow so much in two seasons. Here are the biggest takeaways.

  • Kyo and Tohru have feelings for each other but neither one is willing to admit it yet.
  • Yuki is doing a splendid job as student council president and has even made some new friends in Kakeru and Machi. He’s learned how to open up to others.
  • Kyo met Kyoko at some point but that story has yet to be told.
  • Hatori will find happiness with Mayu.
  • Ayame and Yuki have come to understand each other more.
  • Momiji wishes to become a violinist.
  • Rin is living with Kazuma and is also actively trying to break the curse.
  • Kureno and Arisa wish to see each other.
  • Graduation is almost upon them. It is mentioned towards the end that they were practicing for the ceremony. The rest of the semester is going to go by quick.
Image credit: TMS Entertainment

Questions for Season 3

At the end of season two we are left with the shocking reveal about Kureno and Akito. What does this mean for season 3? It raises a lot of questions that’s for sure.

Who is Ren? It is a name that came up in at least two episodes and sparked Akito’s anger fueled visit to Tohru at the vacation house. Perhaps this person is trying to gain control of the clan? There is a moment in episode 16, “Ask Him for Me”, where Tohru gets lost on her way to see Kureno. He finds her outside the home of a woman with painted nails who offers him tea. The scene lingers on the door for longer than one would think if it was just a random woman. Could this have been our first glimpse of Ren?

How exactly can one break the curse? We know it can be done but what exactly could cause the bond to be broken? Theoretically what does this mean for the zodiac cycle. Is the Rooster now no longer part of the twelve?

Why is Kureno still so loyal to Akito? It’s clear he feels guilty that he is the only one to be free of the curse but it seems as though he is the one most trapped. What would it take to convince him he doesn’t need to be chained to promise he once made?

What is Shigure’s ultimate scheme? For two seasons we’ve known he’s up to something. The obvious answer being for someone to break the curse but is that really all that he’s up to?

No matter what happens I’ll be ready, tissue box in hand. See you all for the finale!

*I have found both Sohma and Soma as the correct spelling. As an English speaker I have used the spelling of Soma from the subtitled translation of the anime on Crunchyroll.

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