Kingdom Hearts – The Journey Begins

Image credit: Square Enix

I recently purchased the all in one edition of Kingdom Hearts for the PlayStation 4. I’ve decided, why not chronicle my journey through the twists and u-turns that is the plot of Kingdom Hearts.

Now this will not be my first time playing through the game. I did own both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 for the PlayStation 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the Game Boy Advance. However, I am notorious for not finishing games. I have no personal experience with how the game ends. The only game I’ve ever beaten is 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue for the PlayStation.

Image credit: Toys for Bob and Eidos Interactive

A Trip Down Memory Lane (Maybe Spoilers)

This is what I can remember from Kingdom Hearts. There was an island where Sora grows up. I think you collected fruit? Then there’s a magic door in a sketchy cave and somehow that’s a door to an underground town? I know you at least travel to Olympus from Hercules and the jungles from Tarzan. I did make it to the giant castle, which I’m told is called Hollow Bastion, where I promptly got lost trying to figure out where I’m supposed to go. I vaguely recall a friend leading me out of the castle to a fight with a Maleficent in dragon form but if we actually managed to defeat her I could not tell you.

My memories of Kingdom Hearts 2 are even vaguer. I feel like I was yet again on an island but I also could have made that up. Chain of Memories sticks out because of the strange card mechanic to the fights. I much prefer hitting things wildly with my keyblade so I never quite got the hang of making a good fighting deck. From that game I only made it to Neverland and was stumped trying to defeat Captain Hook.

Overall plot wise I know that Mickey Mouse is the King. The villains are working with someone named Ansem, who might be a wizard? Sora’s childhood friend, Riku, betrayed him and the bad guys kidnapped Sora’s girlfriend. I want to say they’re traveling around to the different worlds to find her but also because Mickey told Donald and Goofy they needed to to save the world.

Hopefully this time around I will actually be able to pay attention to the plot. I have more years of experience so I’m confident I can actually make it through the whole game this time!

Stay tuned for updates!

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