Scales & Scoundrels is Back!

TKO Presents just announced that they are publishing two volumes of Scales & Scoundrels. These definitive editions will include over three hundred pages of content! I’m excited! Are you excited? Maybe you’re still wondering, what is Scales & Scoundrels? Have no fear! We’re about to dive in to one of my favorite comics!

Yes this is my own copy!

Published in September of 2017 by Image Comics, Scales & Scoundrels is a fantasy adventure comic created by Sebastian Girner, Galaad, and Jeff Powell. The story follows a treasure seeker, Luvander, who hides a deep secret. Along the way she is joined by other adventurers; a prince, his bodyguard and a dwarf. They are thrown together toward a common goal yet all on their own quest. Oh and there could possibly be dragons.

To describe this comic in one word I would say: fun. It’s an all-ages comic that has something for everyone. An adventure worth reading. Each issue we learn a little more about Lu and her companions and have a good time along the way.

Not only will you be sucked into the story but the colors are breathtaking. They’re what drew me to the comic in the first place. Well that and the owner of the comic shop could not stop talking about it. The art is so expressive and gives the story life. It’s really refreshing.

This too!

Sadly the comic only ran for twelve issues before the creators decided it was time to end. In a message to the reader, they stated it was their decision to end the series with issue 12. Though not for good! There was always hope that they would be able to find a way to finish the story they had in mind. And that day has finally arrived!

On April 11th 2021, TKO Studios announced they are publishing the definitive editions of Scales & Scoundrels. Collected in two books, the first will collect everything in the original trade paperbacks (1-10). Book two will collect everything else the creators had originally planned! Releasing sometime Summer 2021, be sure to check with your local comic shop or bookstore if you’re interested.

Scales & Scoundrels is delightfully different from many other comics out there. It’s not about a superhero fighting a villain, it’s not zombies or something dark. It’s bright and imaginative. Issue 9 only has one page of dialogue and it’s a beautiful story. I for one am eager to get my hands on the definitive volumes and once again dive in to a tale of adventure.

For more Scales & Scoundrels news, follow LuTheScoundrel and TKOPresents on Twitter.

About the Author: Geek Gal is an avid reader and consumer of content! Writing about whatever, whenever it strikes her fancy, we’re never quite sure what she’ll write about. She’s a fan of many interests!

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