A Wonderland of Justice League

In celebration of the release of the Justice League Snyder Cut on HBO Max we ordered the Justice League themed box from Wonderland at Home. For those unfamiliar, Wonderland at Home is a new immersive at home experience. The Wonderland Restaurants’ creative minds created a menu inspired by the film.

We start off with the box itself, the “Motherbox.” Inside is a full cooler bag (inside a black box), a lot of black confetti and assorted goodies well stuffed within (we will get to all goods in time).

To kick off our day of justice we had an appetizer of Chocos. Packaged within a shiny red bag at first glance they look like mint oreos. Then you touch one and you realize what looks like a cookie is actually softer. The instruction page says it’s a jalapeno cheese and cracker sandwich. The taste is like nothing I’ve ever had. It’s soft and cheesy but then you get the faintest hint of a spice on your tongue. Subtle and probably my least favorite of the box. My husband, a fan of spicy food, loved them.

Since a cracker cookie each was not enough, we moved on to creating our “Ocean Trench.” Our box was the vegetarian version so instead of fish pieces, we had tiny little falafel balls. Yes, we even got our own “sardine tin.”

To construct our Aquaman inspired dish we were given a layer of potato slices, topped with mini falafel, then showered in “trench dressing” and garnished with crisps. This was my favorite of all the dishes. Each element paired together for the perfect bite.

About an hour in we decided it was probably a good idea to fuel up with some Jitters cold brew coffee. A nice refreshing recharge.

We also received a pouch to make an energy drink but there’s only some much caffeine you can consume in a day so we did not break into Element X. I will admit the round discs you see pictured are not edible and are not stickers. It actually is a light that glows red when you click the power button. We discovered this several days later after being baffled by it’s inclusion in the box.

At the two hour mark we took another break to make our vegetarian Big Belly burgers. Instead of beef patties, our box contained Beyond Burgers. For those unfamiliar, they have a pea protein base among other ingredients. You can now find the Beyond Burger brand in grocery stores if you’d like to try for yourself.

To top the burger we were given a hash brown patty, cheese sauce and a secret burger sauce. This burger combo was the messiest burger I’ve ever eaten in my life but it was delicious! To complement the meal we cracked open the provided Koul Brau beer. An IPA and a porter.

Around the 3 hour mark, just after Superman is brought back to life, it was time for dessert. The “Resurrection” Souffle. Now a tip for all you home bakers out there. When whipping egg whites, it doesn’t matter how much of a hassle it is to dig out the mixer, you dig out that mixer. I whipped my egg whites by hand, thinking it’s three eggs how long could it take. I ended up adding on a half hour to our watch-a-thon. Granted it was a great arm workout but I definitely learned my lesson.

We were provided a batter mix to fold into the egg whites. There was enough batter to make two souffles, however, we only had the one provided ramekin. Double the dessert but double the wait time. Luckily it only takes 15 minutes to cook and we were provided enough popcorn for two rounds. Strangely enough my second attempt was better than my first. Didn’t quite get that height that you see from professional souffles but it was delicious none the less.

Behold the souffle!

If that wasn’t enough dessert the box also included treats inspired by Batman and Wonder Woman.

Smoky vanilla marshmallows to represent Themysciran fire. Yum!

Followed up by salted caramel Batarangs. Surprisingly smooth.

Overall the Motherbox was truly the highlight of our Justice League Snyder Cut experience. It would not have been nearly as much fun a watch as it was without our immersive food journey. Thank you to the creators at Wonderland at Home!

About the Author: Geek Gal is an avid reader and consumer of content! Writing about whatever, whenever it strikes her fancy, we’re never quite sure what she’ll write about. She’s a fan of many interests!

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1 thought on “A Wonderland of Justice League”

  1. Looks like they put more thought into the packaging than the movie XD (I kid, I kid). Awesome to see what was in this box!

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