Welcome Friends!

Hello and welcome to Geek Outta Here! I will be your host Geek Gal!

Now I know what you’re thinking, “not another pop culture blog!” and to be honest when I came up with the idea I had the same thought. If you really think about it though, why wouldn’t you want another pop culture targeted blog? There are thousands of things for people to be excited about these days and that’s what this blog is all about.

I want to write about topics that, I personally, would be interested to read. Here you will find musing on whatever fandom I’ve fallen into. It could be comics, ranging from DC Comics, Marvel comics, WEBTOONs or an indie graphic novel that caught my eye. It could be the latest anime, a random book I’m reading, or just a thought to explore an idea further.

When I find something I like I devour it until there is no content left. This leaves me wanting more. This is where it can be more. So I’m going to dive in and if you want to join me hop in! Everything here is subject to my personal opinion which is by no means an expert opinion on anything.

Strap in friends and let’s geek outta here!

Have questions? Reach out to Geek Gal at geekouttahere@gmail.com